Accessible Beer Science for All!

The Brewing Science Symposium was created with the intention to make current beer science accessible for breweries and individuals who are financially frugal.  

The Brewing Science Symposium is proud to announce that all of the selected Speakers are Paid. This stipend is a small token of gratitude for the work scientists put in, not only experimenting, but sharing and presenting your work. Our industry moves forward with technology and science because of your dedication to exploring the boundaries of beer science. 

The Symposium stands for removing barriers to science education – barriers such as registration costs, travel expenses, and the ability to take time away from babysitting beer. Therefore, this seminar is 100% Virtual and Registration is 100% Free. For those of you who can afford it, we do ask that you please consider making a $5 dollar donation to help with administrative costs, website fees, and speaker fees. Venmo: @brewingsciencesymposium

Profits will be donated to the Women’s International Beer Summit

Please drop us at line if you are interested in helping, promoting, or volunteering for this 100% volunteer run event. 

Yes, but who are you?
It’s me,  Oregon BrewLab!
(But it’s not about me, it’s about the Science!)